Do you write for magazines? Please share with us how you got started. If you can offer writers interested in writing for magazines any adivice and tips for breaking into this competitive industry , please do.
Tell us what magazine editors are looking for today, and the strategies you use to help increase your chances for publication.
If you know of magazines that are putting out a call for submissions from new and experienced writers, please give us all the "Heads Up" on those magazines. If you can provide additional details like the application process, theme or subject of the articles the magazine is requesting, and writers guidelines: that sure would be helpful to writers here who are interested in pursuing magazine writing leads further.
Magazine Editors: You are welcome to post your "call for submissions" from writers here. We ask that you provide specific details about the article(s) material that you are seeking. Remember to include details about how writers are to submit materials to you for consideration. Please also note in your post whether you are accepting submissions from new writers or previously published writers only.